Tag Archives: The Lord Will Provide

Do we really trust God?

In Genesis 22: 1-14, Abraham told by God to sacrifice Isaac.  Abraham obeys but God stops him before he kills Isaac.  Then God provides a ram for the sacrifice instead. Abraham calls this attribute of God’s character: Jehovah-Jireh – The Lord Will Provide.

Notice Abraham had to be willing to give back to God his one and only son.  The son he had waited 100 years to receive.  The son on which he was counting to build nations for God.  Some might argue that because Abraham had seen God work so many times in his life that it was only natural for him to trust God with Isaac, even if it meant killing him and sacrificing him to God. However, how many parents do you know that would be willing to do the same thing today? Even those who have experienced great miracles in their lives would likely think they were going crazy before believing that God might be asking them to kill their child. And how would society react if a man claimed he had heard God tell him to kill his child as a sacrifice unto Him?

Well, the good news is that none of us will ever be asked to sacrifice our child’s life to God by the work of our own hand.  God doesn’t ask for that type of sacrifice anymore because He gave the ultimate sacrifice, HIS Son, Jesus Christ.  Only Jesus is worthy enough, Holy enough to satisfy God’s requirement of sin atonement.

But, I believe God does ask us to sacrifice, in other ways. He asks us to give Him all that we have in order for Him to become all that He Is in our lives.  If we insist on getting in God’s way and trying to do things our way, we are not really trusting Him or relying on Jehovah-Jireh to provide all that we need.

I struggle with letting go of my control on my life every day.  I don’t like surprises and I hate feeling lost.  But I know that if I want to get anywhere in this life, I have to let go of my limited human capacity and rely fully on the all seeing, all knowing, all loving, all forgiving, all powerful, God of Abraham, Jehovah-Jireh.

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